How My Blog Vision Has Changed Since October 2014

When I started this blog, the goal of it was to be an avenue to connect with potential future customers of my non-profit idea. As I completed various blog challenges/events, and having to define a clearer mission statement and future vision, I realize that this blog will be about me. About my life and my attempts to be more creative, which does not really relate to running a non-profit/charity. I know what I want my non-profit to do, and where I want to go. I don’t see this blog taking me there or at least in the way of connecting to future beneficiaries, as I’m really not writing for them.

My blog is supposed to do one of two things. One, document my journey to creativity. Two, transform my no-destination journey to a journey that has a destination, that destination being passion for something. Since October, I’ve started a bunch of things, to include blogging, working out, stamp collecting, sewing, volunteering, letter writing, eating healthy. While working out and eating healthy aren’t necessarily creative, I can put a creative twist on them by coming up with my own routines and plans, and substitutions for foods since I’m a little picky when it comes to vegetables. But I have more creativity when it comes to the other things. And also to be more creative in time management since school is starting up next week and there’s no way I can do everything I want in a day. The easy solution would be to reduce my commuting times…which I hope to do in July. But until then, I have to manage my time creatively so that my journey isn’t stagnant.

Small tangent – I was telling a coworker today about how I’m a boring person, but I think I mostly say that because to the general society, I am. I know it’s not true, but it seems like people can’t have fun with out drinking or going out. I’m sorta old school (and yes I know people have always consumed alcohol) but people didn’t always have to go out and spend money to have fun. Most of my newfound hobbies don’t really involve other people, which is fine by me because I generally like keeping to myself. For example, I like being noticed and recognized, but I don’t like being in the spotlight. I want to fit in, but I don’t do a lot of things most people my age do. Back to being a boring person….after occupying myself with all of these things, I do feel more productive and do see how my I’m moving forward, and cultivating myself. Does that even make sense?

So I guess with this, I should change my about me page to reflect this approach. I’m not limiting my audience, because I’m happy that anyone is reading my blog. But until my idea is more than just an idea, I think I’ll keep blogging about my creative journey so that I get in the habit of being creative, and hoping that I’ll find a passion for blogging, even if I’m writing to no one. I have a more difficult time making decisions that involve other people, but also struggle with personal decisions because most of the time I’m usually indifferent to different choices. That’ll add some nice turns and bends in my creative road.

Has your blog evolved since its beginning? Do you think you’ll change it again?


Noteworthy Destinations#1

One of my December goals was to create a blog schedule, and as part of my schedule, I decided to post some blogs that I’ve recently liked, or have been on my radar lately. When I started blogging about product reviews, I didn’t participate in anything. I just hoped that people would come and read, and my numbers were low. Through the various blog challenges and series, and by using tags and categories, I’ve noticed a significant increase in my numbers (even though I’ve read that you shouldn’t just rely on numbers), and a sense of community is created when I comment on others and they link back to me, or share comments in return. I’ve also thought more about my blog in general, and I think it’s becoming more of a lifestyle blog…perhaps? Thoughts are still forming in my brain. On to noteworthy blogs:
I Kissed My Date Goodnight
Ruth’s blog is a fresh of breath air as she describes herself as a “…single girl trying to navigate life, faith, and the thirty-something dating scene.” Her blog focuses on dating and recounts times of putting herself out there, something which I need to work on. I especially liked here post People Change (But Please Don’t Change Too Much) as she addresses the reality of change within a relationship and how important it is to be aware of the possibility of change.

Ali Does it Herself
Ali’s blog describes her “…adventures in grown-up living…” and is a great blog for DIY stuff. She has a ton of things on there, and will definitely help ignite my creativity and I really liked her Paper Flower Bouquet tutorial. I just might have to make some.
New DIYs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, whether you like it or not.

Journey With Destiny
Destiny is a twenty-something grad student from a small town in Idaho, who moved to Chicago to pursue her dreams of being a teacher. She “…began [her] blog with hopes of documenting this time of transition and growth as [she goes] from college student to working professional to Special Education teacher.” I met her through the Lovely Letters Exchange and her blog can be categorized as a lifestyle blog. I especially love her blog look. It’s very clean and consistent, and her blog post images are  wonderful too!

I’m always looking for new bloggers to follow, or just interesting posts to read, so let me know below if you’d like to be featured on my “Noteworthy Blogs” post. I know my blog is still new, and I still don’t have a ton of readers, but I’m offering free ‘publicity’ but probably more importantly, hopefully creating a community.

Weekly Small Pleasures #1


Welcome to my first installment of the Weekly Small Pleasures Blog Event! I’ve been meaning to start this for a few weeks now, but blogging on the weekend is tough! Since I’m in front of a computer all day during the week, I try not to be in front of the computer during the weekend…but anyways, the Weekly Small Pleasures Event (hosted by Mani at A New Life Wandering) “…is simply about remembering and sharing those small things that made you happy during the week; things that made you smile, made you laugh, made you do a happy dance, made your heart silently smile, or they even made you cry for joy.” I’m going to try to publish these on Sundays, but it probably will end up on the blog on Mondays.
With that, this past weeks’ (is that grammatically correct??) small pleasures include:

  • Having mom’s birthday dinner on Sunday before she left for Thailand on Monday.
  • Spending time with mom on Monday night before she left, and booking a cruise for us in April.
  • Tuesdays = Telework, so it’s always nice to work from home. Plus, I had a lot more time to work out.
  • Tuesday, I actually completed all of my workouts, which was the only day this week that I did so…
  • I went to a volunteer orientation meeting (for the USO) and I’m so excited to be helping with others and learning more about what the USO does. I am excited to volunteer for events too!
  • Enjoyed my time at an “Orange Elephant” Christmas party, where we had lots of yummy snacks (all orange colored) and played white elephant. I ended up with some frozen margarita mixes, and since I don’t drink, I’m taking those to my next white elephant exchange this week.

What made you happy this week?
